Jack loves trains--Thomas, makin' tracks, watchin' them on TV, readin' about them, wearin' them--you name it. He loves trains!!!
Jack dumped out a GALLON of vegetable oil on the floor this day. It took me a whole bag of cat litter and six hours to clean it up.
He recently figured out how to open screw caps. A whole new element of mess making. AHHHHHH!!! I'm so grateful for my big kids and the neighbor kids for entertaining the little mess makers while I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned AND made soup for dinner.
The babies love to play together. They follow each other around, holding hands, getting into anything and everything. They thought they would try the drawer this day.
We spent a good day cleaning up the yard. This is the first lawn mowing for the year. Jack thought the lawn mower was pretty cool. He ran behind his dad yelling, "oh ya, oh ya". Ironically, four days later we had a HUGE wind storm and the yard was covered in limbs, pinecones, and pineneedles all over again.
Hop on Pop! Another favorite past time for the little ones.
Jeff earned his Weblos patch. Yea!!!
He also got his first zit. He'll kill me for posting this, but it really made me feel sad for him. My sweet little boy had the first of thousands of these evil blemishes. Another sign my babies are growin' up. (Oh, he is so going to kill me.)
This day will not soon be forgotten. This is the short version-- The babies got into my bathroom and pumped out the shampoo. They also got into the bottle of melatonin (poison control said no problem--have a nice afternoon). Unfortunately I couldn't as I had to set up for the Blue n' Gold Cubscout Banquet. I got my 2nd ever ticket in my life on the way--55 in a 35, $200. (My first was when I was 17.) I arrived home to quickly make dinner. The babies got into my favorite lipstick, this is Jack stained with lipstick. They were both stained and had to go to the Blue n' Gold covered in red stains. We arrived home late, with whining kids. Ben foolishly comments on the state of the house (which was a disaster as I was busy ALL day). He said something along the lines of "not my problem, clean it up on your time". WWIII. We spoke again 2 days later. Men!!! They are great 95% of the time, but that 5% happens at the worst possible time.
Jeff with first round of braces. He's had them on for over 2 years.
Jeff without braces. He thinks he looks like a dork.
Our office team's new picture for another coupon book. They are awesome!! I just love them! They really gave Ben hell for the above mentioned comment.
I just love this little coat. I found the smaller version at a resale shop a year ago. She wore it until she couldn't get her chubby little arms in any more. I looked everywhere for a larger size. Ebay, resale shops, Craigslist, garage sales, etc. A needle in a hay stack. I finally broke down and bought another coat and the very next day, I went by my favorite resale shop and there it was--size 18-24 months. It made my heart sing!! AND it was only $6. I just love a good deal!!!
This is a VERY RARE moment of our cats getting along. It was so rare--I took a picture. This is for you mom.