Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I don't care if you're mad, I had a GREAT day.

. . . mission accomplished.


Dina said...

OOOOOO, I'll have to e-mail my response to these man shenanigans. Wouldn't want to comment on a public blog......

Emily said...

I'll brave the public waters and just say that you are a wonderwoman. Honestly, I don't know if Ben really appreciates the fact that you really do rock! It's all about repentance....his repentance....remorse, restitution....worshipping the ground you walk on etc... I remember when Patrick was in a Pickle and boy, there is nothing like seeing how good they really have it to drive home the point. I suggest going on strike, maybe having him drive all the kids around in the car for a few hours, make dinner for company, clean the house, sit with a wet shirt for twenty minutes every two hours with a screaming baby, do all the laundry, make 5 phone calls and he can't ask for help...while you sit and relax upstairs the whole day with head phones on! Sound good?

Dina said...

Emily's right. You do rock! said...

This is the same man that commented 3 days after I got home from the hospital. "I need to get my sleep Stacey. The interuptions are wearing on me." I so wish he had boobs. SDW

the meyersons said...

Stacey, Stacey, Stacey.

Two words.

Public Castration

Ben, I'll pray for you.

Rachel said...

Uh oh. . . Ben has been thrown to the wolves. (or at least her friends!) He better watch out if I see him at Costco having lunch this week. :) But seriously - come play with me some time! (it's at least out of the house!) I also have a 2 year old boy and a brand new baby girl! (and I also get NOTHING done outside of my house right now - and sometimes in it actually) I bet they'd be best of friends! Come over and we'll make pina coladas and sit outside and pretend we're back in Hawaii on vacation while the kids dig in the bark dust. . . Sound good?

Jackie said...

Oh Stace... you are made of steel. If I had a solid gold trophy I would give it to you!!

Ben blew it, and I'm sure he'll come around quick if he hasn't already. Especially if Jenn's castrating idea goes through.

Love your face.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Oh Ben Jamin what the HELL are you thinking? Are you forgetting your married to a Dunlop? You may come home one night to some old lady in your ward watching the kids and Stacey has headed back to Hawaii!!!

Just cut the fuel line to the'll make you feel better!

side note:as for Molly crying for hours...I am thinking a pebble was swallowed and all the fun stuff that comes with that.

I am sorry my sister...husbands are the best and the WORST sometimes! I still call Dan my 6 & 7th child. Sigh...

Emily said...

Yeah!!!! We want the juicy groveling details! Oh Stacey, I hope you enjoyed the love from your fellow sisters. We have all experienced this in one form or another. Beware must appreciate your women because hell hath no fury like a women scorned. God is God because he gets this one point. Don't mess the mother of your children!

the meyersons said...

Ben. I hope "mission accomplished" means you are still with us.

If you have mysteriously disappeared...I know where to start.

Kellie said...

what is going on!?!?!?!? Fill me in!

Anonymous said...

Wha? What's going on?

Whatever. Ben, we've got a spare bed. Come hang out at our place. We can race mario karts until it blows over or whatever.

CYD said...

What happened to the post?!?!? I read it quickly last night and wanted to read it again for the details!!
Anyway-run Booner run. A pissed off Dunlop is a vindictive Dunlop.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Holy Crap! I am laughing so hard right now! Is Ben locked in some padded room right now playing air guitar?

Just wondering!

Tiera said...

Am I missing something? Can someone fill me in?

Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

I'm sorry I missed the drama on the blog. Scott told me about it though. Let me know when you're coming down and we can escape together - without kids.