Monday, April 19, 2010

5 More Heart Beats at Our House

We added a few more heart beats to our house hold. Five baby chicks! They are adorable, adored and smothered! I hope they survive the little kids and friends. Yikes! Luckily they have Jeff and Hannah to defend them. Jeff made a very nice chick hutch out of leftover wood from the deck. Hannah and Jeff are expert worm finders. It is true comedy to watch those chicks go after the worms. It's like watching a football game; the worm being the ball.

We're in for another adventure of country life I'm sure. I just hope we get a few eggs out of the deal and some smiles (and not too many tears) on my kid's faces.

We said we weren't going to get attached to them, but that's impossible. They're just too stinkin' cute!

This is Molly showing off the worms!


Jackie said...

Ha! Cute.

Are these to eat?!

Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

Eeks! I thought you were having baby #5 when I read this post. That's kind of on the brain today. Amy called me to tell me she's having #3 only 13 months after #2. Any tips?

Rachel said...

They are adorable. Would you please buy a baby duck or two as well and I will come over and borrow them for a few minutes and take adorable pictures of our daughters? Thanks, that would be great! :)

Mortensen Baby Farm said...


I think since you have 5 you should name them, Kennedy, Noah, Rylee, Luke & Reagan...totally random names, but wouldn't that be cute?

You guys are nuts and really cool at the same time!

Emily said...

Hah! You finally did it! They really are great Stace. It's yet another opportunity for your kids to learn responsibility and to have a pet that actually earns his keep, now that's what I'm talkin' bout!