Saturday, June 9, 2012

Jeff's Eagle Projet: CHECK

DONE! (This was not staged! He really crashed at the end.)
The glorious back hoe that saved DAYS worth of time, literally! Those roots were stubborn even for the back hoe. Thank you to Jason Stadelman for figuring that out and working it all day.
LUNCH! Pulled pork and watermelon. This crowd was easy to please.
Some of the 67 people who showed up to help Jeff out. 67!!! Wow!
A few men showin' the boys how to build stairs. Turned out great!
Broken foot? No problem, there was a job for everyone!
One of six MASSIVE stumps that they pulled out. Those roots were as long as the plant was tall. They were planted in 1950 and they did not want to leave.
We raked!
We painted!
We built!
We burned--a lot!
We put in a porch ceiling in seafoam green.
We planted and spread.
We roofed!
We trimmed!
We hauled!
and hauled and hauled!
We moved a lot of dirt!
And we accomplished a whole lot in 6 hours! Thank you!!

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