Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Did Jack hurt himself today?

When I spoke with my dad yesterday, he asked me if Jack had hurt himself today? "Well, funny you should ask Dad. Yes! Yes he did!" We were at church and Jack tripped over something and fell into the hymn book box mounted on the back of the pew. A picture tells a thousand words. Yes, it resonated through the chapel. Yes, he screamed, but only for a minute. Yes, Daddy, binki and blanket cured the pain. Ouch!! Ouwy! Boys lead with their heads!


Kellie said...

that is a mean wound from a fight with wood

Jackie said...


We must have a connection because he's my namesake--I had a headache on Sunday! Weird! (Okay, not really, but wouldn't that be something??)

PS- Doesn't he look like Chasey with his eye all banged up?

Rachel said...

Oh no! That looks brutal! I am glad it sounds like it was worse than it was! Poor kiddo!

the meyersons said...

Yeah Stace.

He "tripped". I've heard THAT before.

Looks like he's a tough little cowboy!

Tiera said...

O.K. when I first saw this picture I thought he got his hands on your lipstick!

CYD said...

That looks so HORRIBLE!!! I feel so bad for the stinker. Is he in pain? I am so glad he still has a binky to comfort him. I wish Chase still wanted it so I could plug him up once in a while!!! Give him a hug for us!

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Oh my gosh Stacey! That is one major shinner and I almost can't look at it! Poor little guy...give him a squeeze from us!

Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

He and Heidi will be a great match someday. We'll have to make sure they have good insurance.