Monday, July 13, 2009

Benny Buns 35th Birthday

Funny how this man can remember clearly how OLD I am, but just can't seem to remember how old he is????? Denial? Likely! Well buddy . . . you're getting older too.

We realized we have a son closer to going on a mission than when we served our missions. It's been almost 14 years since we were released and Jeff is only 8 years from serving his own mission.

Someone may of slipped away during present time. He went over to the cake for a nibble or two.


Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Holy crap your so OLD Ben! Like older than dirt old! Sheesh!

Love the family pic, but Jack takes the cake on this one! (get it - takes the cake?)

CYD said...

I just love the nickname Benny buns. You just made my night