Max was my part of the deal when Ben wanted to get a motorcycle. He got a motorcycle, I got a cat. Hannah and I found him at Shute Park in Hillsboro at a concert. A cute family was giving away free kittens. We picked out the orange, short haired one of course. It's family tradition.
He is great with kids and very patient. All four kids tote him around and he is always available for a warm blanket, a rub and some TV time.
When we moved into our current house, 4 years ago. Max went missing for many days. We were all panicked and Hannah said a prayer for his safe return. He showed up in the middle of the night scratching at Hannah's window. It was a real testimony builder for us all, especially Jeff and Hannah.
Just recently, he went missing again. Jeff said, "Well prayer worked last time. Let's try it again." Hannah said the prayer and within 10 minutes he showed up." No lie! The kids and I were shocked and relieved.
Tonight, Max was crushed in the garage door and died. It's been a rough night with the kids. Hannah burst out in tears immediately, along with her mother of course. Jeff kept it in till bedtime where he poured his heart out to Ben. It was a great teaching moment about the resurrection. Jeff said the family prayer tonight. "Please bless Max to be happy in heaven. Please help him to find Jake so they can play together." Amen.
Thanks Max for all the fun years, great mousing and warm cuddles on the couch. You are loved.