Monday, November 2, 2009

I'm 3

Jack turned 3 on October 7th. (The day before the trip, hence the late post.) We did a small party with his favorite spaghetti dinner and cupcakes. We just adore him. He brings so much energy and love into our home. He is a mess maker, mischeivous, sweet, loves his siblings, athletic and quite the little driver. He has worn through the tires on the battery operated John Deere Gator in 4 months. He loves to swim. He'll jump off a diving board over and over WITH HIS LIFE JACKET ON. He is into trains, trucks, cars, and all things with motors. Typical boy!

This is Jack's experiment with the spray sunscreen on the bathroom walls. He came out and proudly stated, "All done. I show you!" Ahhhhhhhhh!!

We also celebrated on the trip with my Mom and sister, Cydney's, birthdays. They do it up right!

Love ya buddy!


Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

What a lovely mess you've made. I know the bathroom appreciates being sun-safe. Good work and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Holy Cow with the Bathroom! You have to take a picture or you would go insane! Hope 3 is a good year for you buddy!

Jackie said...

The spray sunscreen thing is funny. But then again it's not my bathroom or my kid...

Jackie said...

The spray sunscreen thing is funny. But then again it's not my bathroom or my kid...

Dina said...

He's dang cute and good thing too! said...

Well said Dina!! My mother always says,"Good thing you're cute!"