It was worth going just to see the new Harry Potter trailer. It looks fabulous!!
We felt very out of place in a theatre full of squealing teenage girls. They giggled the whole movie. I'm glad I'm not a teenager any more!! It was fun at the time, but all good things turn into better things.
My Edward in my head was cuter and Jacob was way, way, way off. Alice was spot on. I loved that the girls were real looking. They weren't Barbies, just good ole NW girls. It was fun! Thanks, Tammi, Jenni, and Christina
I am excited to see it! Unfortunately, it will probably be a few days....Patrick really wants to see it, so we should probably wait until all the teenyboppers have watched it...
I actually loved the Edward choice. Didn't think I would, but I did.
Bella was spot on!
Alice was Perrrrfect!
Emmet was my fav!
Dr. Cullen was soooo very nice!
Charlie was great!
Mike was sooo what I thought!
Jacob's teeth were tooooo white!
Jessica was hilarious and just right!
Did I say I liked Edward - cuz I did!
OK, saw it and I really liked it. I am not in love with it, but I loved the fact that everyone seemed very real. It was relatable to huge audience of girls...all types of people cast in the movie. I loved Alice! She was my favorite, and can't wait to see the characters progress. I liken it to the first Harry Potter...just setting up the scene...when the real story plays out, it will get better!
Haven't seen it yet, but soon will. Can you believe that my husband watched it before me? Pretty sad!
I got to sit with the teens and mine were hopped up on Caffeine pills! Luckily the shut it once the movie started. Wish I could have gone with you!
I enjoyed it after I got used to the music... I guess I thought of different modern stuff :) Twilight was fun and I know exactly what you mean about the Harry Potter movie, looks like they want to go out with a bang only have one more after this... :) I wonder what will fill the place... :)
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