Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Today and Today Only!

Molly is half the age of Jack. She is 15 months old and he is 30 months old. Their birthday's are both on the 7th. Molly is the same age today that Jack was when Molly was born. She's just a baby . . .


Janessa Couch said...

Wow, how fun and what a cute picture. My two oldest are 17 months old and that was hard, not sure how you do it.

Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

Happy birthday to the untwins! I can't wait to see them in person.

Jackie said...

Well how 'bout that!

I can't believe how little Jack was when Miss Molly was born. Makes me want to send you a medal.

Mom said...

Remember when it was all about "they will only be 15 months apart"? As Grandma Adeline would say, "You're a survivor!" Good job Stace. I'm proud of you.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Wow...when you think of it that way - you really are a Survivor! Go Stacey!!!! They are too stinken cute! I love the "untwin" comment! Perfect name!

Emily said...

Welcome to the club of crazy mothers who had their children close together...14 and a half for Madeline and Christian. It will be a breeze when they are 3 and 4...your life will change as you know it...and then normalcy will set in again...here's to 2 more years!