Sunday, August 5, 2007

Baby Jack at Nine Months

Baby Jack is an active, smilin', gigglin', crawlin', and go with the flowin' kid. He is a joy to have in our family. He is smothered in love all the time. He has learned the "stiff arm" to let people know enough is enough. He loves to get down and crawl. He is attracted to any door or wheel. He is crawling, in his own style. Part traditional crawl, part crab leg. Very unique, but he can get where he wants to go . . . fast! He loves bath time and mom loves cleaning up all the water from his splashing. He figured out how to clap and waved his first "bye, bye" yesterday and then followed it with saying "bye, bye". Adorable!!!

1 comment:

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Can't decide which cheeks i like better!!!!