Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New Do

Hannah wants to grow her bangs out, so we cut her hair short to let the bangs catch up. I think she is adorable and she is pretty happy with it. Here are her self directed photos. What a ham!


Jackie said...

Where are the pics??? The suspense is killing me!!

CYD said...

She looks fabulous darling! Very cute hairdo.

Kandis said...

What a cute little bob! She's styling

Anonymous said...

Super Cute HB. I'm starting to wonder if the only shirt she has is that sweatshirt. That or she a lot of the same sweatshirt.

Stacey.for the love of Pete, buy her some more clothes.

Seriously cute hair.

Jackie said...

So cute! I love it. She sure looks like her mom. :) said...

When a girl loves a sweatshirt, a girl loves a sweatshirt. She can own 5 other sweatshirts, 6 other jackets, and more shirts than the whole family put together, but the girl loves her sweatshirt. It's her "working" sweatshirt. It is covered in stains, but she loves it. If anyone knows she has an infamous amount of clothing, its Lexi. I seriously doubt that sweatshirt will be handed down though. It won't be worthy!! said...

As Hannah was reading these comments, she responded to Jackie's comment with "NO I DON'T". Nice. Gotta love her!!

Tiera said...

It's a mini Stacey

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Super Cute Hannah Bear!