Friday, March 28, 2008


She started taking a binki FINALLY!!!! 9 weeks old, but she took it and took it and took it. I love her even more. YEA!! Never give up, never!


Anonymous said...

Ah hem, I think it's spelled: Binky.
:) Dina (I'm kidding, I know it's a made up name, silly.) said...

It is a NUK. Now that is a made up name. Jack's is a AVENT, but we had to have different kinds so that we can eventually take Jack's away, so I thought. No, he'll suck hers, his, the ugly hospital kind, the neighbors, whatever. He'll be sucking one till she's 18 months old I guess, then they'll all disappear.

Jackie said...

This is excellent news! Congrats.

PS- Has Molly asked about us? We miss her. :)

Rachel said...

I just bought the SAME binky at Winco in one of those "Maybe it's worth 99 cents to try one more. . ." attempts. And she loves it too! Magic!

Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

I agree - NEVER give up on the quest to addict kids to the pacifier. Loud Emily started at 3 months (HALLELUJAH!) but our (quiet then, loud now) Molly took it from day one. Then there was extremely yelly Heidi who finally gave in at 5 months. 5 MONTHS! It was sooo worth the effort though. Good job Molly! We're so glad you are quieter for your family now. I know how much they appreciate it.

Emily said...

Girl, go get yourself some celebratory ice cream in honor of this historic occasion. Sit back and enjoy the silence. All I know is that my two children that never learned how to self sooth are the two loud mouths in the house. How I wish they made binky's for 6 year olds who whined all the time!

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Yeahooooooooooooooo! Life is grand with a binki!!!! We love you miss Molly!