Jackie, Jackie, Jackie . . . why do you guilt me into these things? What have I done to you????? so, in no particular order...
8 Things I'm Passionate About
1. Work Ethics: You must give this to your children! Thank you Mom and Dad!!
2. The Gospel, again thank you Mom and Dad.
3. Reading, reading, reading.
4. I loath El Caminos . . . still.
5. My marriage!
6. Reading with my kids.
7. Going on vaca.
8. Washing my face, brushing my teeth and taking out my contacts nightly ritual.
8 Things I want to do before I die
1. Try again to visit the Grand Canyon.
2. Summit a few more peaks in the Cascade Range.
3. Learn to like to eat fish.
4. Raise my children to adulthood and see them happily married.
5. Finish that one cross-stitch project.
6. Serve a mission with Ben.
7. Tour Greece and Italy.
8. Have Uncle Dan visit without him freezing to death.
8 Things I say often
1. “Uh, uh, uhhha.”
2. “Clean your room.” (normal voice) “Clean your room.” (louder) “Clean your room!!!” (screaming)
3. “No Jack.”
4. “Don’t waste my brain cells.”
5. “Flush the toilet.”
6. "Did you wash your hands?”
7. "Stop telling your sister what to do! I’m the parent.”
8. "Will you please do _______________?”
8 Books I've recently read
1. "Constant Princess” by Phillapa Gregory
2. "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" by JK Rowling
3. "Fabelhaven” by Brandon Hull
4. "Fabelhaven: Rise of the Evening Star” by Brandon Hull
5. "The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman
6. “The Essential Mormon Cookbook” by Julie Badger Jensen
7. "Mafia to Mormon: My Conversion Story” by Mario Facione
8. "Orchard, A Memoir” by Adele Crockett Robertson
8 Songs I Could Listen to Over and Over
This would require me to think way to hard. I listen to books on CD or the Primary Presentation music for the kids to learn the songs. (You can call me a geek, it's okay.)I enjoy music, but not engrossed.
8 Things that Attract Me to My Best Friends
1. Sense of Humor
2. “Buck Up Little Camper” attitude
3. Usually the eldest girl in their family. (Odd, but true)
4. Practical
5. Not overly materialistic
6. Confident
7. Will not be offended that I don’t call them back within the week.
8. Tolerant of my “bursts”.
8 Things I've learned in the last year
1. What placenta previa is and that the placenta looks like a roast. Nice . . . .
2. Why people tell you NOT to live in your remodel while in the process of remodeling.
3. How it feels to recover from a c-section. I don’t recommend it.
4. The blessing of anti-depressants.
5. How to accommodate 22 people in 400 square feet of under construction remodel.
6. You can get pregnant even though it has been clinically proven that you can’t.
7. That I do like to cook, if I could only remember to get the ingredients. (Hopefully this will improve once by brain returns after the pregnancy.)
8. I miss my family, a lot.
8 People that I think should do "8"
Only those who have a lot of time and patience. No guilt trips from me!